Service of the 54th The 54th in South Carolina

Item contributed by Massachusetts Historical Society

The 54th Massachusetts Regiment camped in Beaufort for four days in the beginning of June 1863. Captain Luis Emilio described the town in his work A Brave Black Regiment: “There were some fine old houses and gardens skirting the shell road running along the low bluffs, with churches, public buildings, and a spacious green.”1  

This photograph of a “School Teacher Residence” is included in Captain Emilio’s collection of photographs related to the regiment, now at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The soldiers may have seen this building during their time in Beaufort.  

1. Luis F. Emilio, A Brave Black Regiment: History of The Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1863-1865 (Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1864), 38. 

About item:

Photograph, circa 1863-1864, 5.5 cm x 8 cm,
From the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment photographs.
Photo. 72.97.

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