Enlisting and Training Service of the 54th

Item contributed by Hyde Park Historical Society

The 54th Regiment trained at Camp Meigs in Readville.  They quartered in wooden barracks, and trained in marching and musketry, learning the discipline and skills necessary for battle.  According to Surgeon-General William J. Dale of Massachusetts, “From the outset, the regiment showed great interest in drilling, and on guard duty it was always vigilant and active. The barracks, cook-houses, and kitchens far surpassed in cleanliness any I have ever witnessed, and were models of neatness and good order.”1

1. Luis F. Emilio, A Brave Black Regiment: History of The Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry 1863-1865 (Boston: The Boston Book Company, 1864), 21.

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Map of Camp Meigs (1861-1865)
Text from page reads: "From the back-inside cover of the Hyde Park centennial publication THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS, 1868-1968."

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